Frequently Asked Questions
- Please allow 5-14 days for delivery to or within the United States and Canada.
- Please allow 9 days to 3 weeks for delivery to the UK and AUS.
- Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery to the rest of the world.
Q: What currency are the prices in this store?
Ans: All prices are in USD.
Q: What is the Order confirmation process after I purchase?
Ans: As soon as you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail. This means that we have received your order in our system and pre-authorized your credit card for the purchase. As soon as we receive your order, we automatically reach out to our suppliers to confirm that it is in stock and available for immediate shipment. If your item is on backorder or unavailable, we will void the pre-authorization and reach out to you via e-mail. If your item(s) are available for immediate shipment (within 1-3 business days), we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment.
Q: When will my order ship out to me?
Ans: If your order is in stock and we process the charges to your credit card, it will ship within one to three business days from the date of your order. We will send you tracking information within 24 hours of your order leaving the warehouse to the e-mail address you provided when checking out. If you do not receive tracking information from us within six business days of your order, feel free to follow up with us at Info@HairWizardry.com.
Q: How many days does it take for delivery?
Ans: We try our best to ship items as fast as we can. Please allow 1-3 days production time for your order to ship out. The average delivery time is 3-9 business days. Delivery times vary as we do ship worldwide from different fulfillment centers based on your location.
Q: I have entered an incorrect address, what do I do now?
Ans: If the given address is incorrect then you have to contact us ASAP so we can change the address to the correct one within 24 hours. No refund will be given after the 24 hours of incorrect submission.
Q: Can I Return my order? What if there is an issue?
Ans: We offer a 100% money back guarantee, if the product is defective or damaged. We give you 14 days to send it back to us for a full refund. You must ship it back at your own expense, once we have received the product we will refund the full amount of your original purchase. To start the return process please contact us at Info@HairWizardry.com with your name and order number.
* Please note: If your package is on the way, you must wait for it to arrive and return it before receiving a refund.
Q: Can I cancel my order?
Ans: Yes, you can cancel your order with no penalty! You must cancel your order 24 hours after purchase. If the item is already sent please use our easy return system to get a full refund.
Q: I want to ask some questions before placing my order, can you please help?
Ans: Absolutely! We are here to help you make your shopping process easy. Please send us an email at Info@HairWizardry.com and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.
We do receive a large number of emails, If you wish to get a prompt response please attach your order number and address the problem clearly.
Thank you.